VOTE proves once again that collaboration and cooperation yields a greater impact than an individual effort.

1Q 2018 Finish-A-Long Goals

Okay, I am giving the Finish-A-Long another go. First, as a way to be accountable and finish some projects and, second, as a way to get back to blogging in a small way. No promises on either! So, here it goes:

Why and Y-Seams

I make quilts. Yesterday a friend asked me about my quilting. It wasn’t the regular “how long did that take” question. He asked to see what I was currently working on. Then he asked, “who’s it for?” “Ummmm….No one in particular.” Is that weird? Making quilts which don’t have a designated home? To create just…

1Q2016 Finish-A-Long Goals

With the start of a new year and after surveying my studio after finishing a major project, it seems appropriate to join the 2016 Finish-a-Long and cross off some projects on my way too long WIP list. As this is my first foray into the realm of publicly declaring goals, I’m keeping the list realistic. Here…

Color Forms

Imagine my surprise to open my email and see this message: “Thrilled to include a piece…” from me?! Whoa, I’m the one that is thrilled! Thank you Jessica! I am beyond honored. The exhibit is at Seattle Pacific Art Center, 3 West Cremona, Seattle, WA with the opening reception on October 8, 2015 from 5:00-7:00. The collaborative installation…

2015 New Quilt Bloggers Hop

Gulp. Last week and my turn for the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop. I hope you’re enjoying all the posts. It’s a great group of quilters and everyone, especially our hosts/mentors, has been generous with advice and tips. I’m in the Quantum Quilters hive hosted by Yvonne at Quilting Jetgirl. If this is your…

Trying New Things

Full disclosure here – I’m a sucker for learning and recently I committed to the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers group hosted by Yvonne at Quilitng Jetgirl (I’m in her Quantum Quilters hive. Woot!), Cheryl at Meadow Mist Design, Stephanie at Late Night Quilter, and Terri Ann at Childlike Fascination. Wow, our hosts and the entire group is…

Firs in the Fog

I finally completed “Firs in the Fog”, my culminating project for a design class I took in 2012-13. The class covered design principles like scale, proportion, value, and balance. It really was an art class for quilters and for the final project we were to pull all the lessons together in a single work.

Tempo Rubato

I think by now you may have noticed that I took a couple of improv classes from Sherri Lynn Wood at QuiltCon 2013. Those classes and QuiltCon really pushed my quilting boundaries and I have been experimenting more and more with improvisation. So, when Sherri Lynn put out a call for testers for her new book, The…

Churn Dash 2: Complementary

After taking Sherri Lynn Wood’s Improv Round Robin class at QuiltCon 2013, three of us in the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild decided we had not had enough fun. Deborah Ferguson (her round robin quilt is “With A Little Help From My Friends“), Chandra Wu (her quilt is “Happy Times“), and I used the “listen and respond” technique we learned…